Monday, December 28, 2009

Deep Frying Technique

In this technique, foods are cooked by being completely submerged in hot fat. The food is almost always given a coating -- a standard breading, a batter such as a tempura or beer batter or, in some instances, simply a flour coating. The coating acts as a barrier between the fat and the food and also contributes flavor and texture contrast. One notable exception is potatoes.
As with the other dry-heat methods that use cooking fats and oils, the foods must be naturally tender and of a shape and size that allow them to cook quickly without becoming tough or dry. Poultry, fish, and potatoes are among the most commonly selected foods for deep-frying. Vegetables, coated with breading or a tempura batter, are also popular choices. Cooked foods are often chopped fine, bound with a heavy béchamel or velouté, shaped into croquettes and then deep-fried.

Deep Frying Process

First assemble all the ingredients and preparations for deep-frying. Ingredients like:

Batters, breading and coatings (optional)
Item being prepared
Separately prepared sauce
Cut the item into the appropriate size. Foods should be fairly thin, with a uniform size and shape so that they can cook rapidly and evenly. Remove the skin (especially from fish), as desired or as indicated in the recipe. Remove any gristle, fat, and silverskin or any inedible shells. Cut the food into chunks or fingers, or butterfly and pound it, depending upon the food's nature and the desired result.

Breading may be done up to one hour in advance of deep-frying and chilled to allow the breading to firm. Batters or plain flour coatings should be applied immediately before cooking.

The cooking medium must be able to reach a high temperature without smoking or breaking down. Have available a neutral-flavored oil with a high smoking point. A rendered fat, such as lard, may be used to create a special flavor or effect, as in certain regional dishes.

In addition to the usual salt-and-pepper seasoning mixture, spice blends, marinades, stuffing, or fillings are also commonly used to add interest to fried foods.

Once all the ingredients had been prepared, assemble all the equipment necessary for deep-frying.

Frying kettle or fryolator
Basket, spider, slimmer
Container for blotting/draining
Container to finish in oven or hold warm
Serving pieces
Electric or gas deep-fryer are excellent choices if you do a great deal of deep-frying, since they maintain even temperatures. They are also put together in such a way that it is relatively easy to clean them and care for the oil properly. If you fry many different types of foods, it is generally a good idea to reserve different fryers to handle different foods. This will help prevent flavor transfer. No one wants an apple fritter to taste like a piece of fish.

If you do not have a free-standing fryer, deep kettles or pots, such as stock pots, can be used. A thermometer will help control temperatures. Once the correct frying temperature is reached, adjust the flame so that the temperature remains relatively constant.

A collecting of other equipment, baskets, spiders, tongs, and containers lined with absorbent toweling are all important.

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